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Ultimate Ivy Growing Guide - 2021

Ultimate Ivy Growing Guide - 2021

Ivy is known for dramatically embellishing exterior walls with their climbing vines, or as creeping plants that cover ground. They’re a popular plant for good reason, as they lend elegance to any location, come in many varieties, and tend to be fast-growing. Although Ivy is often known as an outdoor plant, this plant can be grown indoors as well! They can make fantastic indoor houseplants for those who want to bring the outside in. This Ivy Growing guide will help you understand the general principles of growing Ivy and choose the right species.

Ivy species that thrive as indoor houseplants:

    • English Ivy
    • Algerian Ivy
    • Buttercup Ivy
    • Boston/ Japanese Ivy
There are a myriad of ivy varieties available, from leaf shape to color and even variegated options! Although this might sound overwhelming, we’re here to guide you through some of the most popular indoor ivy varieties so that you can grow to your heart’s content! Read on to learn more about the different types of ivy you can grow indoors and their unique needs.

English Ivy

The Hedera Helix varieties of ivy, also known as English ivy varieties are arguably the most popular type of indoor ivy houseplant. Perhaps that’s why they’re often referred to as the ‘common ivy!’ All About Ivy

Photograph of Goldchild Ivy, a sub-variety of English Ivy. Photographed by Ildar Sagdejev.

It comes in many sub-varieties, including:

  • Duckfoot: has red stems and is named after its small green leaves that take on the shape of a duck’s foot. Duckfoot thrives in small pots and containers, meaning that they are ideal for the indoors.
  • Ivalace: This elegant English ivy variety has curly leaves, which take on a lacy, cupped shape. No wonder why it won the 2011 Ivy of the Year Award by the American Ivy Society!
  • Needlepoint: If you’re looking for an expensive-looking ivy to hang from a hanging basket, this one might just be for you! Needlepoint ivy has dark green leaves with thin, pointed lobes, which gives the plant an ornate look. You can try a variegated version too.
  • Goldchild: Just as the name infers, Goldchild ivy is a variegated english ivy with small, bright, golden yellow edges. If you’re a fan of variegated plants, this could be an ideal indoor ivy to choose.
  • Shamrock Ivy: produces little flowers as well as black berries. It’s named after its small leaves, which are shaped like shamrocks! Other common names for this ivy include clover-leaf ivy and Hedera helix.


Unlike some ivy species, English ivy is a popular indoor ivy choice because it grows well in partial to full shade. These plants like their soil on the drier side, so check for dryness before watering. English Ivy will tolerate even poor soils, but well-draining mixes are ideal for their growth. Fertilizer should be applied every two weeks during spring and summer unless the plant is living under stressful conditions. Be sure to check out our guide to the top five fertilizer mistakes if you wanted some more information on proper fertilizer technique.

Algerian Ivy

Algerian ivies are native to western and island regions of Africa. These evergreen vines are also commonly referred to as Canary Island Ivy or Madeira Ivy. This category of ivy often comes variegated, but will become completely green if planted in very shaded areas. All About Ivy

Algerian Ivy, photographed by Emőke Dénes

Some of these varieties include:
  • Gloire de Marengo: If big, luscious, heart-shaped leaves are calling your name, you might enjoy Gloire de Marengo. This Ivy has grey-green leaves lined with delicate white edges.
  • Canary Cream: Similar to Gloire de Marengo, the Canary Cream also has large leaves. However, it typically comes with greater amounts of variegation.


Algerian Ivy enjoys some sun, and thrives anywhere with full shade or partial sun. They enjoy neutral, well-draining soil just like their English counterparts, but can tolerate salt and can therefore be planted in coastal areas! Algerian Ivy is drought tolerant, but you will observe more vivid colors in their leaves with regular watering. Proper care can also lead to blooms in the spring! For more information on how to care for variegated ivy indoors, including Algerian Ivy, read SF Gate’s article here.

Buttercup Ivy

There are few Ivy varieties out there that look as cheerful as Buttercup ivy. This ivy species boasts broad leaves that come in bright yellow-green when grown in high-light environments. They even produce little flowers of a similar color every year! All About Ivy

Buttercup Ivy of the Chanticleer Garden. Photographed by Derek Ramsey.


Just like Algerian Ivy, Buttercup Ivy tolerates a range of conditions (and even pollution!) but prefers to make home in partial shade or partial sun. More sun should be allowed if you want to see brighter yellow colors, as a lack of sun causes Buttercup Ivy to darken. Ideally, Buttercup Ivy should be planted in well draining soil that is kept moist. Proper care leads to small blooms and even black, decorative fruit! We would advise against eating it though - most Ivy is toxic to humans and animals. Shoot Gardening’s website includes a comprehensive guide to Buttercup Ivy care. Read it here.

Boston/Japanese Ivy

Just like the name suggests, Boston or Japanese Ivy is commonly found in New England! This category of ivy boasts shiny green leaves that take on a similar shape to maple tree leaves. These leaves are also lined with a thin red trim. Though they can quickly take over an outdoor area if planted in the ground, it is possible to plant this ivy in containers as an indoor plant. All About Ivy

Boston Ivy in Autumn, photographed by Y. G. Lulat.


Boston Ivy is also a type of Ivy that tolerates a range of lighting levels across the spectrum, from full sun to full shade, so you can keep it by the window, in a corner near your plant light, or on a table far from the light sources altogether. Though dry soil will not usually kill the plant, it can make its leaves look dull and lackluster. Boston Ivy should be planted in well draining soil that is kept moist. Due to its fast growing nature, fertilizer typically isn’t needed. To learn more about Boston or Japanese Ivy, check out this resource by Gardenista.

All About Ivy: Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed this introduction to some of the most popular ivy houseplants! Though our examples are a great place to start, there is an even wider range of Ivy types to choose from when it comes to indoor growing, which makes Ivy an endlessly fascinating plant to learn about. Most are quite adaptable to different environments, often making their care a simple and rewarding experience. Looking for some information on growing a Bird of Paradise? You can find our Bird Of Paradise Plant Grow Guide here! Or are you interested in some houseplants that live up to the hype?

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