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Indoor Azalea

 SCENTIFIC NAME: Rhododendron simsii

KNOWN AS: Azalea, Rose Bay

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Japan | Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: Indoor azaleas are miniature flowering houseplants. It produces bright pink, red, purple, and white blossoms with glossy, dark green foliage.

Moderate difficulty & pet toxic

Indoor Azalea Plant Care


Light Requirement: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

Indoor azalea plants thrive in bright, indirect light. Placing them near a north or east-facing window is ideal, as these areas typically receive less intense sunlight. However, it's important to avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. If natural light is limited, LED grow lights can be used to supplement the plant's lighting needs. Azaleas also require a period of darkness to set buds, so it's important to provide them with at least 12 hours of darkness each day.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$221.00 CAD - $295.00 CAD
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$339.00 CAD - $1,088.00 CAD


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Indoor azalea plant require care and attention when watering. It's critical to keep an eye on the soil's moisture content, making sure to water as necessary because azaleas prefer to be kept consistently moist. Azaleas are susceptible to pollutants in tap water, so it is best to water them with room temperature, non-chlorinated water. While watering, make sure the soil is well saturated until water drains out of the pot's bottom. Avoid letting the plant sit in standing water, though, as this can cause root rot. Regular misting of the foliage is also beneficial to add more moisture and humidity. Azaleas are in their dormant stage throughout the winter, when plants typically require less water. It's crucial to keep an eye on how the plant reacts to the watering schedule and make necessary adjustments based on the environment and the plant's growth stage.


Preferred Temperature: 50º - 65º

Azalea plants, which are prized for their colorful and delicate blossoms, do best when kept indoors in a particular temperature range. The ideal daytime temperature for azalea plants is between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit (15 and 18 degrees Celsius). At night, drop the temperature to around 50 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit (10 to 13 degrees Celsius). Azaleas need a consistent temperature because they are susceptible to damatic temperature changes. Keep them away from air conditioners, heating vents, and drafty windows since they can quickly modify the temperature. The azalea plant will thrive and blossom wonderfully indoors if a steady and temperate temperature environment is provided.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Indoor Azalea Plants require moderate to high humidity levels, with the optimal range between 40% to 60%. These plants are native to chilly, wet areas of Asia, and they need regular precipitation to survive. Mist the plant frequently, put a humidifier nearby, or group it with other plants to create a humid microclimate to keep the humidity levels appropriate.

Additional Plant Care

Azalea plants can be propogated through stem cuttings. Make a clean incision just below a node on a healthy stem that has not yet blossomed. Plant it in a well-draining soil mixture, such as a combination of peat moss and perlite, after dipping the cut end in rooting hormone. Place the cutting in a warm, humid environment while maintaining the soil's moisture, perhaps in a plastic bag or under a dome. The cutting should start to establish roots and new growth after a few weeks. The young plant can be potted up and taken care of like an established azalea once it has established itself well.
Azaleas are considered to be toxic to both humans and pets, as the leaves and flowers contain grayanotoxins, which can be harmful if ingested in significant quantities. These toxins can cause a range of symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dizziness, weakness, and, in severe cases, irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure. If you have an indoor azalea, it's crucial to keep it out of reach of children and pets who may be prone to exploring and chewing on plants. Ingesting any part of the azalea plant, including leaves and flowers, can potentially lead to toxicity. If you suspect ingestion or exposure to an indoor azalea and a person or pet exhibits any symptoms of poisoning, it's important to seek immediate medical attention. Contact a healthcare professional or veterinarian, or contact a poison control center for further guidance.
To encourage healthy growth, indoor azalea plants should be divided into new pots every one to two years. When it's time to repot an azalea plant, gently remove it from its current container and untangle any tangled roots. To keep the plant in the appropriate form, cut back any dead or damaged roots and clip the top growth as needed. Choose a new pot with drainage holes at the bottom that is somewhat larger than the old pot. Place the plant in the center of the new pot after adding a layer of fresh potting soil to the bottom. Add more dirt around the sides until the plant is level with the soil surface. Give the plant plenty of water, and let the soil fully drain. After repotting, it's crucial to avoid overwatering the plant to prevent root rot. Wait a few weeks before fertilizing the plant to give it time to become used to its new habitat. Put the plant in a bright, indirect light. Consider using a potting mix designed for acid-loving plants as azaleas prefer acidic soil.
Indoor azaleas can be pruned to preserve their size and shape and encourage healthy development. After the plant has done blooming in the spring, prune it. Start by removing any branches that are dead, broken, or infected and trimming them back to a healthy section of the stem. A position right above a leaf node should be used to trim any excessively long branches. Cut back to just above a node that faces the direction you want the new growth to grow in order to promote branching. Pruning shouldn't be done more than a third of the plant's total size at once because doing so can stress the plant. The indoor azalea can benefit from regular pruning to keep it looking well and promote future flower production. Moreover, eliminating faded blossoms might stimulate the growth of new buds.
Azalea plants grown indoors need regular fertilizer preserve the health and encourage flowering. Apply an azalea fertilizer that is water-soluble and acid-formulated to the soil every two weeks during the growing season, which is normally spring and summer. Avoid overfertilizing the plant, as this can cause salt accumulation in the soil and burn the roots, and carefully follow the recommendations on the fertilizer bottle. To prevent scorching the roots and to avoid fertilizing the plant while it is not actively growing, it is crucial to fully hydrate the plant before applying fertilizer. Frequent fertilizer can encourage new growth, stimulate flower buds for the upcoming season, and keep the indoor azalea plant looking healthy. A higher phosphorus-content fertilizer can also help the plant to produce more blooms.
Azalea plants grown indoors prefer a slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 4.5 to 6.0. A well-draining soil with plenty of organic matter, such peat moss, pine bark, or compost, is ideal for azalea plants. Azalea plants need a soil mixture that is breathable, permeable, and drains well to avoid waterlogging, which can cause root rot. Heavy soils, such as those with a high clay content, should be avoided since they can retain too much moisture and cause root rot. Azalea plants can benefit from a slow-release, acid-based fertilizer applied every four to six weeks during the growing season, which runs from spring to fall. The health and vitality of azalea plants may be ensured, and proper soil conditions can encourage new growth and blossoming. Repotting azalea plants is necessary every two to three years to preserve the soil's quality and guarantee the plant has adequate space to expand. Regular pruning can also encourage healthy development and keep the plant in form.

Hanging Heights

Indoor Azalea Lighting Requirements: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

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