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SCENTIFIC NAME: Ocimum basilicum

TYPES OF BASIL: Italian Oregano, Mexican Oregano

PLANT FAMILY: Mint Family (Lamiaceae)

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Mediterranean Region | Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: Oregano is a perennial plant with strong-smelling leaves. Its originally from from the Mediterranean area, but now grows in many places around the world. It is often used in cooking Italian, Greek, and Mexican recipes.

Easy difficulty & pet toxic

Oregano Plant Care


Light Requirement: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

Oregano prefers bright, direct sunlight for about 6 to 8 hours per day for optimal growth. This can be obtained by placing your oregano in a south-facing window. As a herb that loves a strong light, it may be necessary to supplement natural light with an LED grow light. Be sure to closely monitor your plant for signs on not receiving enough light (wilting and/or yelling leaves) and receiving too much light (brown, brittle leaves).

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$211.00 CAD - $281.00 CAD
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$323.00 CAD - $1,039.00 CAD


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Oregano prefers a soil with good drainage, so it's crucial to let the top inch of soil dry out between waterings. When watering, make sure the soil is well saturated and that any surplus water drains out the bottom of the pot. Because oregano is sensitive to root rot, avoid overwatering. Use your finger to test the soil's moisture content and water only until the top inch feels dry. The frequency of watering should be adjusted in accordance with environmental parameters like temperature and humidity that affect the plant's water needs. Furthermore, take care not to soak the foliage too much since this can encourage fungus illnesses. You may create the ideal conditions for your indoor oregano plant's growth and development by using suitable watering procedures and maintaining the proper soil moisture.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 75º

When cultivated indoors, oregano thrives in a moderate temperature range that resembles its natural Mediterranean environment. When growing oregano indoors, the ideal temperature range is 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C) during the day and a little colder at night. Because oregano is sensitive to temperature stress, it is crucial to maintain stable temperatures and prevent drastic changes. Avoid subjecting the plant to temperatures exceeding 85°F (29°C) or below 50°F (10°C), since these conditions might stunt development or possibly cause plant death. Place the oregano plant away from drafts and direct heat sources in an area with moderate temperatures. You can encourage healthy development and tasty leaves in your indoor oregano plant by keeping the proper temperature range.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Oregano is a hardy herb that can withstand a wide range of humidity levels. However, when cultivated inside, it often prefers mild humidity. To give your oregano plant the best growing circumstances, aim for a relative humidity of between 40% to 60%. By using a humidifier or placing a tray with water and stones close to the plant, you can enhance humidity if the air in your home has a tendency to be dry. As a result, the oregano is surrounded by a microclimate with somewhat greater humidity levels. On the other side, to minimize moisture-related problems like fungus illnesses, make sure there is adequate air circulation and refrain from overwatering. Keep an eye on the humidity levels frequently, and make adjustments as necessary, to give your indoor oregano plant a moderate and balanced climate.

Additional Plant Care

Stem cuttings are the best way of propagating oregano grown indoors. Choose a healthy stem from an established plant and make a clean cut just below a node to propagate oregano. Leave a couple sets of leaves at the top after removing the lower leaves. To promote root formation, dip the cut end into a powdered rooting hormone. Make sure the node is buried in the soil before planting the cutting in a well-draining potting mix. Place the cutting somewhere warm and bright with some indirect sunshine, and spritz the leaves every so often to keep the humidity up. To avoid rot, keep the soil just barely damp but not soggy. The cutting should form roots in a few weeks and then be handled like a mature oregano plant. You may successfully propagate oregano for indoor gardening by using the method described here.
Oregano is a popular culinary herb that is generally considered safe for human consumption in normal culinary amounts. It is commonly used as a flavoring in various dishes. However, it's important to note that while oregano is safe for culinary use, concentrated forms or extracts of oregano, such as oregano oil, may have different properties and potency. Oregano contains certain compounds, such as essential oils, that give it its characteristic flavor and aroma. Oregano oil should be used with caution and in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. In rare cases, some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to these compounds, which can lead to adverse reactions. Allergic reactions can vary in severity and may include symptoms such as itching, rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you have known allergies or sensitivities to herbs or plants in the Lamiaceae family, which includes oregano, basil, mint, and others, it's advisable to exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about oregano consumption. As with any herb or food, moderation is key. If you have specific concerns about the use of oregano or believe you may have an allergy or sensitivity, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional or allergist who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation. As for pets, oregano is toxic to them and will cause severe gastrointestinal distress. Keep it out of their reach, and do not allow them to eat any of the plant or any extract or oils of the plant.
When growing oregano indoors, the best time to repot the plant is when it outgrows its present container or every one to two years to replace the soil. To guarantee proper water drainage, choose a somewhat larger container with drainage holes to start. Create a well-draining herb-specific potting mix or combine potting soil, perlite, and sand. Avoid damaging the roots by gently removing the oregano plant from its current container. The new container should have a fresh layer of potting soil at the bottom, and the plant should be positioned at the same depth as before. Add more potting soil as necessary, gently firming it around the plant's base. After repotting, give the plant plenty of water to let the soil settle. Put the newly-replanted oregano in a spot that receives enough sunlight, and provide it with routine care and watering. You may give your indoor oregano plant enough room and new soil for it to grow and flourish by using this repotting technique.
Sprinkle the oregano seeds evenly on the soil surface, gently pressing them into the soil, but avoid burying them too deep. Cover the pot with a thin layer of vermiculite or additional soil. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not soggy, by misting it regularly. Place the pot in a warm and sunny location, ensuring the seeds receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. Germination typically takes around 1-2 weeks. As the seedlings emerge, thin them out, allowing the strongest ones to thrive. Once the seedlings have grown a few inches tall, they can be transplanted into larger containers or directly into your garden, spaced about 12-18 inches apart.
Regular trimming is the best pruning technique for oregano, in order to maintain the plant's shape, encourage bushier growth, and enhance general health. Remove any dead, harmed, or yellowing leaves first using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Leggy or excessively long stems should be cut back to promote branching and a compact growth habit. To prevent straining the plant, try to only remove up to one-third of its total foliage at once. In order to promote new development, harvest the leaves frequently by cutting stems slightly above a leaf node. Although pruning can be done at any time of the year, it is preferable to avoid doing a lot of it when the plant is actively growing. You can keep your indoor oregano plant neat, fruitful, and thriving by engaging in routine pruning.
The best way to fertilize oregano is with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer made especially for vegetables or herbs. When the plant begins actively developing, usually in the early spring, start fertilizing. During the growing season, apply the fertilizer to the soil every 4-6 weeks after diluting it as directed on the package. Do not overfertilize because this can result in excessive foliage growth and poor flavor. To avoid root burn, make sure the soil is moist before applying fertilizer. Follow the suggested application rates when using organic fertilizers, such as compost or worm castings. Keep a close eye on the health of the plant and regularly review the fertilization schedule to reflect changes in growth and nutritional requirements. You can encourage your indoor oregano plant's robust development and flavorful flavor by providing balanced and timely fertilization.
Oregano grows best in soil that drains well and has a slight alkaline pH. To avoid waterlogging and root rot, oregano prefers soil that is loose, rich, and has adequate drainage. To guarantee proper drainage, a suggested soil mixture for oregano can combine potting soil, perlite, and coarse sand or vermiculite. Compost or well-rotted manure are examples of organic matter that can be added to the soil to improve its fertility and moisture-retentive properties. Additionally, oregano grows well in soil that is slightly alkaline and has a pH between 6.5 and 7.5. Using a soil testing kit, you may check the pH of the soil on a regular basis. If the pH is excessively acidic, you can apply dolomitic lime to make the necessary modifications. You may give your indoor oregano plant the best growing circumstances by supplying a well-draining, slightly alkaline soil mixture.

Hanging Heights

Oregano Lighting Requirements: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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