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SCENTIFIC NAME: Petroselinum crispum

TYPES OF BASlL: Italian Parsley, French Parsley

PLANT FAMILY: Carrot/Celery/Parsley Family (Apiaceae)

CLIMATE (LOCATION):Eastern Mediterranean Region | Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: Parsley is a versatile herb widely used in culinary applications and valued for its fresh and vibrant flavor. It belongs to the Carrot family and is native to the Mediterranean region. Parsley is commonly used in European & Middle-Eastern dishes.

Moderate difficulty & pet toxic

Parsley Plant Care


Light Requirement: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

Parsley needs bright, indirect light to thrive. You can put your parsley close to a south-facing window or right next to a west-facing window to obtain proper lighting conditions. If you do not have substantial natural light, LED grow lights are a great option. Rotate your parsley frequently to ensure it receives even light. Avoid direct sunlight as it can burn the plants leaves. The best lighting conditions will encourage strong foliage growth and improve the flavor of the parsley leaves.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$211.00 CAD - $281.00 CAD
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$323.00 CAD - $1,039.00 CAD


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

When watering parsley, prevent soggy soil and root rot by watering deeply on occasion. Between waterings, let the top inch of the soil somewhat dry out, and then thoroughly water the plant until any extra moisture drains out of the pot's bottom. Make sure the pot has adequate drainage to avoid water buildup. Because parsley needs continually moist soil, take care not to let the soil totally dry up. Check the soil with your finger on a regular basis to see how much moisture is present. Based on the external factors, such as temperature and humidity, which might affect the plant's water requirements, adjust the frequency of watering. Strike a balance and aim for consistent moisture without waterlogging the roots, keeping in mind that both overwatering and underwatering can have negative effects. Your indoor parsley plant will receive the best hydration if you stick to this watering routine.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 75º

Parsley thrives in a temperature range that mimics its native Mediterranean climate. When growing parsley indoors, the ideal temperature range is 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C) during the day and a little colder at night. Given that parsley is sensitive to temperature stress, it is crucial to maintain stable temperatures and prevent drastic changes. Avoid exposing the plant to temperatures exceeding 85°F (29°C) or below 50°F (10°C), as these conditions can result in plant death. Place the parsley plant away from drafts and direct heat sources in an area with moderate temperatures. Your indoor parsley plant will thrive and produce well if you provide the right temperature range.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Parsley prefers moderate humidity levels. For optimum growth, keep the relative humidity between 40% and 60%. This can be accomplished by avoiding overly dry or humid settings and planting the parsley plant in an area with good air circulation. Use a humidifier or set the plant on a tray with water and pebbles to improve humidity, being careful to keep the soil out of the water at the bottom of the pot. To add more moisture, mist some water on the foliage now and then. However, exercise caution when misting, since too much moisture can result in fungus illnesses. Maintain a consistent eye on the humidity levels and make necessary adjustments to provide your indoor parsley plant with a comfortable habitat.

Additional Plant Care

Parsley can be propagated indoors via stem cuttings or seed germination. Parsley seeds should be sown in a potting mix that drains well and lightly covered with dirt to promote seed germination. To speed up germination, which normally takes 2 to 3 weeks, maintain constant moisture and give warmth (about 70°F or 21°C). Only the strongest plants should remain after the seedlings have reached a height of a few inches. As an alternative, stem cuttings can be used to multiply parsley. Select healthy, well-established parsley plants and take 4- to 6-inch stem cuttings from them, making sure they have at least a few leaves. Lower leaves should be removed, and the cut end can optionally be dipped in a rooting hormone. In order to construct a miniature greenhouse, plant the cuttings in a container filled with wet, quick-draining potting soil. Place the container somewhere warm and sunny, but out of direct sunlight. To keep the cuttings wet and encourage root formation, mist them frequently. Roots should start to form after a few weeks, at which point the cuttings can be inserted into separate pots. You may successfully propagate parsley and grow your indoor herb garden by using these propagation techniques.
Parsley is a commonly used herb in cooking. However, like many plants, parsley contains certain compounds that in large quantities or concentrated forms may have potential adverse effects. Parsley contains small amounts of naturally occurring substances called furanocoumarins, which can be photosensitizing. Photosensitivity is a condition in which the skin becomes more sensitive to sunlight and can result in increased sunburn risk or skin reactions when exposed to sunlight. However, the levels of furanocoumarins in culinary parsley are generally considered to be low and not likely to cause significant photosensitivity effects in most individuals. When it comes to pets, however, parsely is toxic and should be avoided. If you suspect your pet has ingested parsley, it is recommended to call a veterinarian for professional advice.
Parsley must be replanted frequently to stay healthy and promote healthy root growth. Your parsley plant should ideally be repotted every one to two years, or whenever it outgrows its existing container. To guarantee proper drainage, pick a somewhat larger pot with drainage holes. Water the plant well before repotting to make removing it from the previous container easier. Transfer the plant into the new pot carefully, making sure it sits at the same depth as before. Gently remove the root ball. A well-draining potting mix should be used to fill up the spaces, carefully pressing it around the roots. After repotting, water the plant to let the soil settle and give it some early moisture. In order for the plant to get used to its new pot, place it somewhere bright but out of direct sunshine. Continue routine maintenance to maintain the plant's development and productivity while keeping an eye out for any signs of stress. You can make sure that your indoor parsley plant has enough room for root extension and keeps growing by according to these repotting guidelines.
Begin by selecting a suitable container or pot with drainage holes. Fill it with a well-draining potting mix, ensuring it is slightly moist. Sprinkle parsley seeds evenly on the surface, gently pressing them into the soil. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil, about ¼ inch deep. Mist the top layer with water to keep it consistently moist. Place the container in a warm location with indirect sunlight. Maintain proper moisture by regularly misting or watering the soil. Be patient as parsley seeds can take a couple of weeks to germinate. Once the seedlings appear, provide them with ample sunlight and continue to water them as needed.
Parsley grown indoors should be fertilized to promote healthy growth and guarantee a consistent supply of new leaves. Start by routinely removing any leaves that are yellow, damaged, or wilted. This keeps the plant looking and feeling healthy overall. Furthermore, nip off the stem tops to induce branching and bushier growth. Instead of concentrating on the central stems, concentrate on trimming the outer ones, which enables the plant to continue growing new leaves from the center. The removal of leaves from the outer stems promotes base-based regrowth as well. Parsley can become stressed if you prune more than one-third of the plant at once. Regular pruning keeps the plant from getting lanky and guarantees a steady supply of tasty leaves. You can have a robust and fruitful indoor parsley plant by adhering to these pruning techniques.
When growing parsley indoors, fertilizing is essential. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with a 10-10-10 or 20-20-20 mix. Apply the fertilizer every four to six weeks during the active growing season, diluting it to half the recommended dosage. Make sure the soil is moist before adding the fertilizer. Avoid coming into direct contact with the foliage by applying the diluted fertilizer around the plant's base. Avoid overfertilizing since too many nutrients can result in poor growth or flavor. The plant should be watched for any indications of nutrient deficiency, such as yellowing leaves, and the fertilizer schedule or strength should be adjusted as necessary. Water the plant frequently to remove any extra salts that may build up from the fertilizer. You can give your indoor parsley plant the nutrients it needs to encourage growth and productivity by adhering to a regular and balanced fertilizer schedule.
Parsley does best in well-draining, organically rich soil. The best soil for growing indoor parsley is a blend of potting soil, compost, and sand. This mixture offers the plant with crucial nutrients and good drainage while also holding onto moisture. The compost enhances the soil with organic content, promoting fertility and moisture retention, while the potting soil serves as a firm foundation. Sand is added to the soil to help with drainage and to reduce compaction. Make sure the soil is loose and gritty before planting or repotting parsley to promote strong root growth. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels a little dry, keeping a regular eye on the soil's moisture level. Your indoor parsley plant can thrive in an ideal setting if you provide it with well-draining, nutrient-rich soil.

Hanging Heights

Parsley Lighting Requirements: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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