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1. iNaturalist

iNaturalist is both a website and an app that provides a large database of pictures and information. Sourced via iNaturalistGuides · iNaturalist
iNaturalist is a website with iOS and Android apps that allow you to identify the plants and wildlife around you. It is a collaboration between the California Academy of Science and the National Geographic Society. This app works by the users uploading a picture of a certain plant or flower. All of these submissions help build the database that the AI picks from when it needs to match your upload. The app then takes your image and searches through the iNaturalist database to identify the specific name of the plant in the picture. It’s free to use which makes it very appealing to any customer. The database established by the user base has more than 25.6 million observations so it is clearly a widely used application.2. Plant Snap

PlantSnap is another useful plant identifier app with an extensive database
PlantSnap is another app available on Android and iOS that can identify well over 625,000 plants, trees, and fungus. Due to its extensive database, the app quickly identifies the organism in the picture uploaded and gives you a highly detailed description of it. Not only will you know the name of the plant, but you’ll also be able to impress your friends with an extensive list of facts about it! On top of all this, PlantSnap will plant trees when users share their photos, making this an eco-friendly app as well as an informative one! This app is freemium, meaning the base version is free with a premium version that is paid for. The free version requires a registered account and limits the number of photos you can upload per day while the paid version allows unlimited posts, no advertisements and free support. Whether you use the free or premium version of this app, it is a great way to identify plants.3. Google Lens

Google Lens is an all around great app and has a great plant identification mode as well
When you think of plant identifier apps, you probably don’t think of google lens. Google Lens is an app on Androids that usually comes preinstalled in their phones. It isn’t primarily a plant identifying app but that is one of the functions. When you take a picture of a plant or flower on this app, it searches the database and gives you a list of possible species that could be in your picture. You can rest assured that this database is vast as it comes directly from Google itself, so it is likely to be the best source of information.4. Plant Net

Plantnet is a multifaceted app that does a great job at identifying plant species
Plantnet is a free app that is based on user input to form its gigantic database. There are over a million images grouped into three different sections. The first is geographical, where plants from all over the globe are found. The second is thematic, where users would post their cultivated and ornamental plants from their own homes and offices. The last is more specific to local regions such as towns or forests. The only downside to this app is that, since it is crowdsourced, you can only identify plants that have already been uploaded.5. Leaf Snap

LeafSnap lays claim to a database that hold 90% of all species of plants
LeafSnap is another user-friendly app that identifies around 90% of all known species of plants and trees. This is another freemium app, where the free version has ads while the premium version removes them. The good thing about this app is that you don’t need a full picture of the plant or flower to get results. The AI can identify something as small as a branch, so you don’t have to be a professional photographer to have this app work for you. Once you upload a picture, a list of possible results will come up and all that’s left is for you to match the photos to figure out the species name.