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Chinese Money Plant

SCENTIFIC NAME: Pilea peperomioides

KNOWN AS: Pilea, Pancake Plant, Coin Plant, UFO Plant, Friendship Plant

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Southern China | Humid Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: This plant is delightful because it has round leaves and it produces plantlets (pups) that are easy to propagate.

Easy difficulty & pet safe

Chinese Money Plant Plant Care


Light Requirement: High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

Chinese money plants, also known as Pilea peperomioides, prefer bright, indirect light, which can be obtained by placing your plant in an east or west-facing window. Using a LED grow light is a great choice when natural light is not possible. Chinese Money plants can tolerate low light conditions, but will likely not recieve as much growth in these condtions. Low light can be obtained from a north-facing window. Ensure to reduce the thoroughness of watering if placing your Chinese Money plant in low light conditions.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$207.00 CAD - $276.00 CAD
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$317.00 CAD - $1,020.00 CAD


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Chinese money plants, also known as Pilea peperomioides, prefer well-draining soil that's kept consistently moist, but not soaked. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, so it's important to allow the soil to dry out a little between waterings. A good rule of thumb is to water your Chinese money plant thoroughly when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Pro tip: water from the bottom, allowing the plant to soak up water like it would in nature. This helps to prevent moisture from sitting on the leaves, which can cause fungal diseases. In addition, it's important to avoid using water that's too cold or too hot, as this can shock the plant's roots. Use room-temperature water instead. By following these watering techniques, you can help your Chinese Money Plant thrive.


Preferred Temperature: 65º - 75º

Chinese money plants prefer moderate temperatures and should be kept between 65-75°F (18-24°C). These plants are sensitive to temperature changes and should be kept away from drafty areas and air conditioning units to avoid breaking and dry-out. Temperatures outside of this range can cause stress to the plant, leading to leaf drop and other issues. Humidity is also important for these plants, and they prefer higher humidity levels between 50-60%.


Preferred Humidity: 50 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

When it comes to caring for Chinese money plants, humidity levels are an important factor to consider. These plants thrive in environments with moderate to high humidity, so it's essential to provide them with the right conditions to grow. One of the best ways to increase humidity levels for your Chinese money plant is to mist its leaves regularly. Using a fine mist spray bottle, mist the leaves once or twice a week to help maintain a moist environment around the plant. Be sure to avoid misting the leaves too heavily, as this can lead to fungal growth. Another effective way to boost humidity levels around your Chinese money plant is to place a small humidifier nearby. This can help to keep the air moist and prevent the plant from drying out, which is especially important during the drier winter months. In addition to these tips, you can also place a tray of water near the plant to help increase humidity levels. As the water evaporates, it will create a more humid environment around the plant.

Additional Plant Care

Chinese money plants, also known as Pilea peperomioides, can be propagated by dividing the plant or stem cuttings. For division, carefully remove the plant from its pot and separate the root ball into smaller sections, each with its own stem and roots. Repot each section into its own pot with fresh soil and water thoroughly. For stem cuttings, select a healthy stem with several leaves and cut it just below a node. Place the cutting in moist soil or water until roots develop. Once the cutting has established roots, repot it into its own pot with fresh soil and water thoroughly. Keep the new plants in bright, indirect light and water moderately.
The Chinese money plant is not known to be toxic to humans or animals. It is safe to keep around pets and children, making it a popular houseplant choice for families. However, it's always important to keep in mind that even non-toxic plants can cause allergic reactions or digestive problems in some individuals. Trust us, they do not make good garnishes. Additionally, if the plant is ingested in large amounts, it could still cause stomach upset or other health issues, so it's best to not consume them at all.
Chinese money plants are easy to repot and care for. The best time to repot them is in the spring or summer when they are actively growing. When repotting, select a pot that is one size larger than the current pot to allow for growth. Fill the bottom of the new pot with fresh potting soil, and gently remove the plant from its old pot, being careful not to damage the roots. Carefully loosen the roots and remove any dead or damaged roots. Place the plant in the new pot and add fresh potting soil around the plant, making sure to cover the roots completely. Gently tamp down the soil and water thoroughly. After repotting, keep the plant in a bright, indirect light and avoid direct sunlight for a few days to avoid shock.
Chinese money plants require occasional pruning to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth. Pruning can be done at any time of the year, but it is recommended to avoid pruning during the winter months when the plant is dormant. To prune, first, inspect the plant for any dead, damaged, or yellowing leaves, and remove them by cutting them off at their base using clean, sharp pruning shears. Next, look for any leggy stems or shoots that are longer than the rest of the plant and cut them back to encourage fuller growth. Chinese money plants can also produce offsets or baby plants at their base. These can be gently removed with a sharp, clean knife or scissors and replanted in their own pot. Regular pruning will help keep the plant healthy and prevent it from becoming too leggy.
The Chinese money plant is a low-maintenance plant that can thrive in many growing conditions. To fertilize a Chinese money plant, it is recommended to use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season (spring and summer) every two to four weeks. Dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength and water the plant as usual. Avoid fertilizing during the dormant season (fall and winter) as the plant's growth slows down during this time, therefore it may not be able to use the fertilizer you are providing. Over-fertilization can lead to leaf burn or stunted growth, so it's important to follow the dosage outlined on the fertilizer you are using.
Chinese money plant prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. A good soil mix for this plant can be made by combining equal parts of potting soil, perlite, and peat moss. The perlite in the soil mix helps to improve drainage, while the peat moss provides the necessary organic matter to retain moisture and nutrients. It's important to ensure that the soil doesn't become too wet or soaked as this can cause root rot. The Chinese money plant thrives in slightly moist soil, so make sure to water it only when the top inch of soil is dry.

Hanging Heights

Chinese Money Plant Lighting Requirements: High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

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