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Golden Pothos

SCENTIFIC NAME: Epipremnum aureum

KNOWN AS: Devil's Ivy, Sweetheart Vine, Ceylon Creeper, Hunter's Robe

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Southeast Asia, French Polynesia | Tropical

DESCRIPTION: Pothos are popular houseplants that are easy to grow. They come in many different colors, but this Golden Pothos is special because it has yellow stripes. All Pothos will trail, but they can also climb if you give them something to cling onto.

Easy difficulty & pet toxic

Golden Pothos Plant Care


Light Requirement: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

Golden Pothos plants can withstand low levels of light but do best in bright, direct light. For proper light levels, place your plant in an east or west-facing window. North-facing windows will supply low to medium, indirect light, and while not preferred, the Golden Pothos will still grow in these conditions but the growth rate will slow.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$207.00 CAD - $276.00 CAD
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$317.00 CAD - $1,020.00 CAD


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Golden pothos, also referred to as devil's ivy, prefers a little bit of dryness. Allow the soil to dry out between waterings, and when the top inch of soil seems dry to the touch, water the plant well with room temperature water. Make careful to let any extra water drain out of the pot's bottom and avoid letting the plant stand in water, bas this might lead to root rot. Reduce watering over the winter, but don't let the soil get completely dry. A humidifier or spraying the leaves can help the Golden pothos thrive even though it can handle a wide variety of humidity levels. It's crucial to avoid overwatering the plant since this can result in yellowing or leaf drop. Generally speaking, maintaining slightly drier soil and avoiding extremes of wet or dry soil can aid in the growth and health of your Golden pothos.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 85º

The best temperatures for golden pothos plants are between 60 and 85°F (15 and 29°C). It's best to keep them out of direct sunlight and cold drafts. They can handle temperatures that are a little bit cooler, but sudden drops below 50°F (10°C) can hurt them. Golden pothos plants like a little more moisture in the air, so keeping them in a room with a humidifier or putting a tray of water next to the plant can help keep the humidity levels right.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Golden pothos likes a level of humidity between 40 and 60%. You can create these conditions with a humidifier or by putting a tray of water near the plant, which will create a natural humidifying effect. Make sure not to put the plant near direct drafts or heating/cooling vents, which can dry out the air and hurt the plant. Use a spray bottle to mist your Golden Pothos plant often. This will make the air around the leaves more humid and help the plant grow well. Make sure to do this in the morning so that the plant has time to dry out before it gets dark. If the leaves are too wet, they can grow mold and other problems. Keep your Golden Pothos clean and free of dust and other particles. This can be done by wiping the leaves down every few weeks with a damp cloth or sponge. This will not only make the plant look better, but it will also help it get more water and nutrients from the air.

Additional Plant Care

Golden pothos plants can be spread by cutting off pieces of their stems. To make more plants, cut a piece of a healthy plant's stem with a few leaves and nodes. Cut the stem just below a node and remove any leaves from the bottom of the cut stem. Put the cutting in a jar of water and make sure that the nodes are submerged. Put the jar in a bright but indirect light, and change the water every few days to keep it from getting stale. After a few weeks, roots should start to grow. When the roots are a few inches long, you can move the cutting to soil that drains well. You can also plant the cutting in soil instead of water, making sure to keep the soil moist until roots grow. You can also spread golden pothos plants by dividing them, but this works best with older plants.
Golden pothos is considered toxic to humans and pets if ingested, since it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort if chewed or swallowed. If a person or pet ingests any part of the golden pothos, they may experience symptoms such as mouth and throat irritation, burning sensation, swelling, difficulty swallowing, and potentially vomiting. If ingestion occurs, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with water and seek medical attention, especially if severe symptoms develop or if a large amount of the plant has been consumed. It's also important to keep the plant out of the reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion.
Golden pothos plants are easy to take care of and grow, and they don't need to be repotted very often. But if your pothos plant has grown too big for its pot or if the soil is old and worn out, it's time to move it. When it's actively growing, in the spring or early summer, is the best time to repot a pothos plant. To repot a golden pothos, use potting mix that drains well and a pot that is 2 inches bigger than the current pot. Gently take the plant out of its current pot, loosen the roots, and put it in the new pot. Fill the pot up to about an inch from the top with soil. Give the plant a lot of water and put it where it will get bright, indirect light.
Golden pothos plants are relatively easy to prune and care for. Start by cutting off any yellow or brown leaves with clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears. Yellow or brown leaves can be signs of disease or old age. You can also cut back any thin or straggly stems to make the plant grow bigger and fuller. If the plant has long vines, you can cut them to the length you want and then plant the cuttings in water or soil to make more plants. To get the vines to grow bushier, it's also a good idea to pinch off any new growth at the tips. Make sure to clean your tools between cuts, just like you do when you prune, to stop diseases from spreading. Overall, regular pruning of golden pothos plants will keep them healthy and help them grow in a fuller, more vibrant way.
Golden pothos plants are easy to take care of and don't need fertilizer very often. It is best to fertilize them when they are growing, which is usually between spring and summer. You can use a 20-20-20 ratio of water-soluble fertilizer that has been diluted to half its strength. Depending on what the package says, you can use the fertilizer every two to four weeks. It is important not to give your Golden Pothos too much fertilizer because it can cause salt to build up in the soil, which can hurt the plant. Always give your plant a lot of water before and after you fertilize it to make sure the nutrients get spread out evenly in the soil.
Golden pothos plants, which are also called devil's ivy, are known for being hardy and able to grow well in a wide range of conditions. They like soil that drains well and has a lot of organic matter. For good drainage, mix equal parts of potting soil, peat moss, and perlite or coarse sand to make a good soil mix for golden pothos plants. Adding some organic fertilizer to the soil mix can also help the plant get the nutrients it needs. Overall, the best type of soil for golden pothos plants is one that is loose, drains well, and can hold water without getting too wet.

Hanging Heights

Golden Pothos Lighting Requirements: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

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