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Nerve Plant

SCENTIFIC NAME: Fittonia albivenis

KNOWN AS: Mosaic Plant, Fittonia, Painted Net Leaf

CLIMATE (LOCATION): South America 

DESCRIPTION: This plant is really cool. It has green leaves with white, pink, or red veins that make it look like a cool mosaic or like the nervous system.

moderate difficulty & pet safe

Nerve Plant Plant Care


Light Requirement: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

Nerve plants thrive best in bright, indirect light. They can be sensitive to direct sunlight, which can cause their leaves to burn and yellow. A north or east-facing window is typically ideal for nerve plants, as they can receive adequate light without being exposed to direct sunlight for an extended period. If the plant is not getting enough light, the leaves may start to fade, and the plant may become leggy. If this happens, it may be necessary to move the plant to a brighter location or supplement with artificial light.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$112.50 - $170.00 $200.00 Sale
Vita™ Grow Light
$72.25 $85.00 Sale
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$172.50 - $518.00 $740.00 Sale
Grove™ LED Grow Light
$104.00 $130.00 Sale


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Nerve plants like constantly moist, yet quick-draining, soil. Be careful not to overwater the plant as this might lead to root rot. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. By submerging the pot in a saucer of water and letting the soil absorb the water via the drainage holes, it is ideal to water the plant from the bottom. Water should not be allowed to touch the leaves as this may result in spots or fungus infestations. If at all possible, use distilled or filtered water as the nerve plant is sensitive to fluoride and chlorine. Reduce watering over the winter, but don't let the soil get completely dry. Generally, for a healthy and robust nerve plant, it's critical to maintain continuously moist soil.


Preferred Temperature: 65º - 75º

Nerve plants like it warm, between 65 and 75°F (18 and 24°C). They can handle temperatures that are a little bit cooler, but they shouldn't be left out in temperatures below 60°F (15°C). Don't put them near drafts or vents because sudden changes in temperature can hurt the plant. For nerve plants to grow well, it's also important to keep the humidity level constant. To do this, you could use a humidifier or put a tray of water near the plant.


Preferred Humidity: 60 - 70%; High Humidity

Nerve plants need a stable humidity level. To create this environment, you may want to invest in a humidifier, especially if you live in a dry area or in the winter when indoor heating can dry out the air. You can try to make a moist microclimate for your Nerve Plant by grouping it with other plants. When plants are close to each other, they can release water into the air through a process called transpiration. This can help to naturally raise the humidity level. Put a tray of water close to your nerve plant. When the water evaporates, it can make the air around the plant more humid. Make sure the water level stays below the bottom of the pot so you don't overwater. Using a spray bottle to mist your Nerve Plant is another way to raise the humidity. But be careful not to mist too often, because that can lead to mold and other problems.

Additional Plant Care

Nerve plants can be spread by taking stem cuttings or dividing the plant. To grow new plants from stem cuttings, choose a healthy stem and cut it just above a node. Before planting it in moist potting mix, take off the lower leaves and dip the cut end in rooting hormone powder. Cover with a plastic bag to keep the humidity up, and put in a bright, warm place that isn't directly in the sun. Keep the soil moist and mist the cutting often until new growth appears. To spread through division, carefully take the plant out of its pot and gently separate the clumps of roots, making sure each clump has a healthy stem and some roots. Each clump should be moved to a new pot with fresh potting soil and kept in a warm, humid place until new growth appears.
Nerve plants are generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, containing no known toxic compounds that pose a significant risk when ingested or touched. This makes them a safe choice for households with children or pets. However, while the plant itself is non-toxic, it does have small fibers which can cause irritation if ingested. Some individuals may still experience mild reactions if they come into contact with the plant, so wear gloves when handling. If you or your pet have a known allergy or sensitivity to plants, it's advisable to exercise caution and monitor for any adverse reactions.
Nerve plants are fragile plants that need to be repotted with care. To repot a nerve plant, choose a pot that is 1 to 2 inches wider than the one it is in now. Fill the bottom of the new pot with fresh potting mix that drains well, and make a small hole for the plant in the middle. Carefully take the plant out of its old pot without hurting the roots, and put it in the middle of the new pot. Fill in the space around the plant with more potting soil, being careful not to cover the plant's stem. Press the soil down gently and give the plant a lot of water. Put the new plant in a place with bright, indirect light, and keep an eye on it for the first few days to make sure it's doing well in its new home.
Nerve plants must be pruned to remove any leaves that are yellow or brown and any stems that have grown too long or leggy. Nerve plants tend to get spindly over time, so pruning them from time to time can help them grow in a more compact and attractive way. To do this, just cut back any stems that are too long with clean, sharp pruning shears, making clean cuts just above a healthy leaf node. This will make the plant grow more branches and make it grow fuller. Nerve plants also need to be repotted and fertilized from time to time to stay healthy and strong. You can prune the plant whenever you need to, but don't prune it in the winter when the plant is sleeping. With the right pruning, nerve plants can keep their good looks and keep growing for many years.
Nerve plants need to be fertilized often to grow well and keep their leaves looking bright. During the growing season, which usually lasts from spring to fall, you can use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer like a 10-10-10 NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) fertilizer. Before you fertilize, make sure the plant is well-watered so you don't burn the roots. Then, water down the fertilizer so that it is half as strong and spread it on the soil once a month. You can also use a slow-release fertilizer, which slowly releases nutrients over time and gives your nerve plant a steady supply of food. Follow the directions on the fertilizer package carefully, and don't use too much. Too much fertilizer can burn the roots and cause other problems.
Nerve plants do best in soil that is rich in organic matter, drains well, and holds on to water. Mixing equal parts of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite makes a good soil mix for nerve plants. Peat moss helps keep water in the soil, and perlite and vermiculite help water drain away. Adding some organic matter like compost or worm castings can also help the plant get the nutrients it needs. It's important to stay away from heavy soils that hold too much water for too long, as this can cause root rot and other problems.

Hanging Heights

Nerve Plant Lighting Requirements: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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