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African Milk Tree

SCENTIFIC NAME: Euphorbia trigona 'Rubra'

KNOWN AS: African Milk Bush, Cathedral Cactus, Abyssinian Euphorbia, High Chaparral, Friendship Cactus

CLIMATE (LOCATION): West Africa | Tropical Savannah

DESCRIPTION: This cactus is very unique. The central stem and clusters of "arms" make it look like a tree. Each stem has leaves that stick out and look like they came from an aquatic creature or alien. This particular variety also has a tinge of red!

African Milk Tree Plant Care


Light Requirement: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

The African milk tree likes bright, indirect sunlight. They can handle some direct sunlight, but if there's too much, the leaves will get burned. They can also grow well under artificial light, such as LED grow lights. Overall, it's best to give African milk trees bright, steady light to help them grow healthily and stop them from stretching or etiolating.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$120.00 - $170.00 $200.00 Sale
Vita™ Grow Light
$72.25 $85.00 Sale
Highland™ LED Track Light System
$195.50 - $629.00 $740.00 Sale
Grove™ LED Grow Light
$110.50 $130.00 Sale


Quick Tip: Allow soil to completely dry out before watering.

African milk trees are native to Central Africa and can grow up to 6 feet tall indoors. They have green, fleshy stems that don't need much watering. When you water your African milk tree indoors, you should let the soil dry out completely between waterings to keep the roots from rotting from too much water. When you water, soak the soil until water comes out of the holes, and then let the extra water drain away. During the winter, when growth slows down, it's best to water your African milk tree only a little bit. In the spring and summer, when the tree is growing, you should water it more. Also, don't let water get on the stem or leaves, as this can cause damage or rot.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 85º

African milk trees are native to tropical areas and flourish in warm climates. They enjoy daytime temperatures of 65-85°F (18-29°C) and nighttime lows of 60-70°F (15-21°C). While extended exposure to temperatures exceeding 90°F (32°C) can result in sunburn and other stress-related problems, while temperatures below 50°F (10°C) can harm the plant. To prevent any variations that can adversely influence the plant's growth and health, it's critical to keep a constant temperature for it.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

African milk trees do best in places with a moderate amount of humidity, so keep the humidity between 40% and 60%. You can do this by putting a tray of water near the plant or using a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Also, it's important to make sure there's good air flow around your African Milk Tree to stop mold and other harmful bacteria from growing. To do this, you can put the plant near a fan or open a window.

Additional Plant Care

The African Milk Tree, which is also called Euphorbia trigona, can be spread by cuttings from its stems. First, pick a healthy stem that is at least 6 inches long and has several leaves. Use a clean, sharp knife to make a 45-degree cut in the stem. Let the cut dry for a few days, until a callus forms on the end where it was cut. Then, get a pot with soil that drains well, plant the cutting about an inch deep, and make sure the soil around it is firm. Water the plant only a little and put the pot in a warm, bright spot where it won't get direct sunlight. It may take a few weeks for roots to grow, but once they do, the plant will start to grow new leaves and can be treated like a full-grown African Milk Tree.
The African Milk Tree, or Euphorbia trigona, is a succulent plant that is poisonous to both people and animals. The plant makes a white sap called latex, which is a poisonous substance. When the sap touches the skin, it can cause a rash or irritation. If you eat the sap, you might feel sick, throw up, have diarrhea, and have pain in your stomach. In very bad cases, it can cause dehydration, an imbalance of electrolytes, and even death. The sap of the plant is mostly dangerous because it has diterpenes and ingenol esters. Keep the plant away from children and pets, and wear gloves when handling it to avoid getting the sap on your skin.
Planting African milk trees in new pots is an important part of taking care of them. The first step is to choose a new pot that is one size bigger than the current one. The new pot should have holes in the bottom so that it doesn't get too full of water. Mix together potting soil, perlite, and sand to make a well-draining mixture for the soil. Take the plant out of the old pot and spread out any tangled roots. Put the plant in the new pot and add soil around the roots, gently pressing it down. Give the plant a lot of water and then let the extra water drain away. To keep the plant from getting too stressed, you should keep it out of direct sunlight for a few days after repotting it. It's best to wait a few weeks before fertilizing the plant after repotting it so it can get used to its new home.
African milk tree, or Euphorbia trigona, is a succulent plant with many branches that grows straight up. The best time to prune an African milk tree is in the spring or summer, when it is actively growing. Use clean, sharp pruning shears to make the cut, and wear gloves to keep the sap, which can be irritating to the skin, from getting on your hands. To prune, start by looking for any broken or dead branches and cutting them back to the plant's base. Next, cut off any branches that are growing in the wrong direction or are crossing over each other. You can also cut off the ends of the branches to make them grow more bushy. Make sure that you don't cut off more than one-third of the plant's leaves in one session. After you prune the plant, give it a little water and keep it in bright, indirect light to help it grow new leaves.
During the growing season, African Milk Tree plants (Euphorbia trigona) do best when they are fertilized often (spring and summer). To keep the roots of the plant from getting burned, it's important to water down the fertilizer to half strength or less. You can use a balanced fertilizer that is water-soluble and has an N-P-K ratio of 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. During the growing season, you should feed your plants once a month. During the dormant period (fall and winter), it's important not to fertilize because it can cause salt to build up in the soil and hurt the roots of the plant. Always follow the directions given by the manufacturer of the fertilizer being used.
The African Milk Tree, or Euphorbia trigona, is a succulent that grows best in sandy soil that drains well. The best soil mix for an African Milk Tree is a 2:1:1 mix of cactus or succulent potting mix, perlite, and coarse sand. This mixture of soil will allow for good drainage, so water won't pool around the roots and cause them to rot. African Milk Tree doesn't like getting too much water, so it's important to make sure the soil is completely dry between waterings. Adding a layer of small rocks or gravel to the bottom of the pot can also help it drain.

Hanging Heights

African Milk Tree Lighting Requirements: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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