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Friendship Plant

SCENTIFIC NAME: Pilea involucrata

CLIMATE (LOCATION): China | Temperate Tropical

DESCRIPTION: The Friendship Plant is a small, hanging houseplant. It stands out because its dark green leaves are textured and have raised silver marks that make them look like the moon. The leaves are thin and slightly sticky, which adds to the beauty of the plant as a whole.

Easy difficulty & pet safe

Friendship Plant Plant Care


Light Requirement: High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

Bright, indirect light is best for indoor growing of Moon Valley Pilea (Pilea involucrata), commonly known as friendship plants. Although direct sunlight should be avoided as it might scorch the delicate leaf, these plants do well in situations of moderate to bright, indirect light. Your friendship plant should be placed close to a north or east-facing window so that it can get some filtered sunlight or indirect light each day. LED grow lights can also be used to supplement natural light if it is scarce. To prevent leaf burn, keep the plant away from sources of bright light. To ensure adequate lighting on all sides and encourage uniform growth, rotate the plant frequently.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$150.00 - $200.00


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

When growing friendship plants indoors, the ideal watering technique is to maintain a constant moisture level in the soil that is not excessively wet. It's crucial to regularly monitor the soil moisture because these plants appreciate conditions that are just a little bit moist. When the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil feels dry to the touch, water the plant. Pour water over the soil surface evenly until the water begins to drain from the pot's bottom. Root rot might result from leaving the plant in standing water, so ensure proper drainage. Finding the proper mix is essential since friendship plants are sensitive to both underwatering and overwatering. It is preferable to slightly submerge rather than overwater a plant because it may more readily bounce back from minor drought stress. Additionally, friendship plants benefit from humidity, which can be provided by spraying the leaves on occasion. Depending on the size of the pot, the temperature, and the humidity levels in your home environment, you need adjust the frequency of watering. You can maintain your friendship plant's health and vitality by watering it sparingly and carefully.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 75º

Friendship plant cultivation requires a temperature range of 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). These plants are susceptible to extremes and prefer moderate temperatures. It's crucial to keep them away from low temperatures below 55°F (13°C), as this can stress and harm the plant. Additionally, withering and other negative effects can result from temperatures higher than 85°F (29°C). Try to maintain a constant temperature within the ideal range, and keep the plant away from drafty locations and heat sources like radiators and vents. You may encourage your indoor friendship plant's healthy development and general wellbeing by keeping the space at an appropriate temperature.


Preferred Humidity: 50 - 70%; Moderate/High Humidity

Friendship plants benefit from moderate to high humidity levels. These plants are native to tropical areas and do well in situations where the relative humidity ranges from 50% to 70%. There are a number of techniques you can use to produce the right humidity level. You can create a microclimate with a little bit more humidity around your friendship plants by grouping them together. A humidifier or putting a tray of water near the plants can both help raise the humidity. Additionally, occasionally spraying the leaves with water helps add moisture. Excessive humidity and/or persistent moisture on the leaves should be avoided as they can result in fungi illnesses. Use a hygrometer to continuously monitor the humidity levels, and adapt your humidity-increasing strategies as necessary. You can assist your friendship plants resemble their natural habitat and encourage healthy development and lush foliage inside by giving them the ideal humidity level.

Additional Plant Care

Stem cuttings are the best method of propagation for indoor friendship plants. Choose a robust stem with numerous leaves, use a sharp, disinfected knife or pair of shears, and make a clean cut just below a node to propagate a friendship plant. Leave a few leaves at the top and remove the lower leaves. Plant the cutting in a well-draining potting mixture after dipping the cut end in rooting hormone powder to promote root growth. Place the cutting in a warm, well-lit area away from the sun. Cover the cutting with a plastic bag or use a propagator to maintain high humidity and constant soil moisture. The cutting should start to grow roots after a few weeks. By removing the plastic cover, gradually acclimatize it to typical interior circumstances. The propagated friendship plant will develop roots and become a new, healthy plant with the right care and attention.
The friendship plant is considered non-toxic levels, and does not contain any compounds that pose a serious risk if ingested or touched. However, it's important to note that individual sensitivities and allergies can vary. Some individuals may experience mild reactions if they come into contact with the plant or its sap. When it comes to pets, the Friendship Plant is generally considered non-toxic to cats and dogs. Ingestion of small amounts of the plant is unlikely to cause significant issues. However, as a general precaution, it's always a good practice to monitor pets and contact a veterinarian if you suspect they have ingested a significant amount of the plant or are showing any unusual symptoms.
When friendship plants are cultivated inside, they must be repotted when they outgrow their existing container, or every one to two years. Make sure the new pot has drainage holes and is one size larger than the old one. Remove the plant from its current container gently, being mindful to protect the roots. In order to promote outward development, you can slightly relax the roots if they are compacted. In the center of the new pot, place the plant and ensure the soil level stays the same by adding a layer of fresh, well-draining potting soil. Additional potting soil should be poured into the empty space surrounding the roots, and it should be lightly compacted to hold the plant in place. Thoroughly water the plant once it has been repotted, letting the extra water drain. In the coming weeks, keep an eye on the plant's development and health by placing it in the ideal light and temperature settings. Repotting encourages overall plant vitality and development and gives friendship plants enough room for their roots to spread out.
When growing friendship plants, the best pruning technique is to routinely pinch or cut the stems to promote bushier growth and preserve a compact appearance. Making clean cuts immediately above a leaf node or bud requires the use of clean, sharp pruning shears or scissors. Snip off any leaves that are yellow, damaged, or dead by cutting them off at the base. Longer stems' tips can also be pinched back to encourage branching and give the appearance of a bigger arrangement. While pruning can be done whenever it is necessary throughout the year, it is typically advisable to carry out mild pruning during the active growing season. Regular pruning encourages new growth and prevents leggy development, making the Friendship plant healthier and more aesthetically pleasing. To reduce the danger of disease transmission, disinfect your pruning equipment before and after each use.
Friendship plants benefit most from a balanced, water-soluble houseplant fertilizer used throughout the growing season. From spring through summer, apply the fertilizer to the soil every 4-6 weeks after diluting it as directed by the manufacturer. Over-fertilization must be avoided because it might cause the soil to become salinized and harm the plant. To avoid root burn, ensure sure the soil is moist before adding the fertilizer. Avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves as it could harm them. As the plant's growth slows down during the winter dormant season, fertilizer should be decreased or stopped. Keep a close eye on the overall health of the plant and, if necessary, alter the frequency or strength of the fertilization. Your Friendship plant will grow healthily, have beautiful foliage, and be overall well-cared for if you provide the proper mix of nutrients through suitable fertilizer.
Friendship plants do best in a well-draining, healthy potting mix. It is advised to use a pre-made houseplant potting mix or a mixture made up of equal parts peat moss, perlite, and compost. This kind of soil retains just the right amount of moisture and nutrients for the growth of the plant while also offering sufficient drainage. Compost or other organic matter is added to the soil to increase its fertility and water-holding ability. Use light garden soils instead of ones that are heavy or prone to waterlogging because they might cause root rot and other problems. To keep the soil at the ideal moisture level for the friendship plant, check the moisture level of the soil frequently and adjust irrigation as necessary.

Hanging Heights

Friendship Plant Lighting Requirements: High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

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