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Mini Monstera

SCENTIFIC NAME: Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

KNOWN AS: Monstera Minima, Philodendron Minima

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Southeast Asia | Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: Many people love plants with beautiful leaves. This plant is often mistaken for a mini version of a plant with very large leaves. The pattern on the leaves of this plant is more consistent, which makes it look more elegant and graceful. Although it isn't as wild as the other plant, it still has plenty of jungle vibes.

Easy difficulty & pet toxic

Mini Monstera Plant Care


Light Requirement: High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

Mini monstera plants prefer bright, indirect light. These plants can tolerate low light conditions, but they will not grow as well and may develop leggy stems. In bright direct sunlight, the leaves can scorch and develop brown patches. Therefore, placing the plant in a spot with bright, filtered light is ideal. West or east-facing windows are perfect for mini monstera plants. It is also important to rotate the plant every few weeks to ensure that all sides receive equal amounts of light and the plant grows evenly.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$150.00 - $200.00


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Mini monstera plants prefer direct, strong light. Although they can survive in low light, these plants will not grow as well and may end up with lanky stems. The leaves are susceptible to browning and scorching in strong direct sunlight. Consequently, it is best to place the plant in an area with abundant, filtered light. Mini monstera plants thrive in locations with bright, indirect light that face north. To guarantee that all sides of the plant receive an equal amount of light and that the plant grows uniformly, it is also crucial to rotate the plant every few weeks.


Preferred Temperature: 65º - 85º

The mini monstera prefers continuously moist but fast-draining soil. When the top inch of soil seems dry to the touch, water the plant with room temperature water. Avoid leaving the plant sit in standing water as this can lead to root rot. Instead, water the plant well and let any extra water drain out of the bottom of the pot. Reduce watering over the winter, but don't let the soil get completely dry. A humidifier or spraying the leaves can help the mini monstera thrive because it prefers slightly higher humidity levels. Overwatering should be avoided as it may result in leaf yellowing or dropping. Your mini monstera will develop and stay healthy if you maintain continuously moist but well-draining soil and provide proper humidity levels.


Preferred Humidity: 50 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

The Mini monstera does best in warm, moist places with temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (20°C and 30°C). It's important to avoid sudden changes in temperature, which can shock the plant and hurt it. Keep the Mini monstera in a warm, stable place with good air flow to help it grow in a healthy way. Also, keep the plant away from cold drafts and temperatures below 50°F (10°C), which can damage the leaves or kill the plant.

Additional Plant Care

Mini monstera plants can be propagated by cutting off pieces of their stems. To make more plants, cut a piece of a healthy plant's stem with a few leaves and nodes. Cut the stem just below a node and remove any leaves from the bottom of the cut stem. Let the cutting dry and harden for a few days to stop it from going bad. Then, plant the cutting in soil or potting mix that drains well, making sure to bury the node in the soil. Give the soil a lot of water and put the pot somewhere with bright, but not direct, light. Keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and mist the cuttings every so often to keep the air moist. After a few weeks, the cutting should start to grow roots and send out new shoots. After the cutting has grown roots, you can move it to a bigger pot or garden. You can also spread mini monstera plants by dividing them, but this works best for bigger plants.
Mini monstera contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and discomfort if ingested or if the plant sap comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes.The calcium oxalate crystals present in mini Monstera can cause symptoms such as mouth and throat irritation, burning sensation, swelling, and drooling. Ingesting large amounts of the plant or sap can lead to more severe symptoms, including difficulty swallowing, nausea, and vomiting. It is recommended to avoid this plant if you have small children or any pets.
Mini monstera plants can be repotted when they grow too big for their current pot or when the soil gets too hard. To repot, choose a container that is one size bigger than the one the plant is in now and has good drainage holes. Fill the new pot with fresh potting mix that drains well, leaving room for the root ball. Gently take the plant out of its old pot, loosen the roots, and cut off any roots that are dead or damaged. Put the plant in the middle of the new pot and make sure it is the same depth as it was in the old pot. Fill the pot with new soil and gently pack it around the roots of the plant. Give the plant a lot of water and then let the extra water drain away. Put the plant somewhere bright with indirect light and keep it out of direct sunlight for a few days to help it get over the shock of being moved.
The Mini monstera plant can grow healthier and stay a small size if it is pruned every so often. When pruning, make clean cuts just above a healthy leaf node or bud with clean, sharp pruning shears. Take off any leaves that are broken or turning yellow, as well as any branches that are getting too long or twisted. This will help the plant look nicer and more balanced, and it will also encourage new growth. Don't cut more than a third of the plant at once, because that can stress the plant and slow its growth. Mini monstera plants can also stay healthy and strong if they are fertilized and repotted every so often. You can prune the plant whenever you need to, but don't prune it in the winter when the plant is sleeping. Mini Monstera plants can continue to grow and add a tropical touch to any indoor space as long as they are pruned and cared for properly.
Mini Monstera is a popular houseplant that can grow in many different kinds of soil. You can use a balanced liquid fertilizer with equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to feed the Mini monstera plant. Half the recommended amount of fertilizer and put it on the plant's soil every two to three weeks while it is growing (spring and summer). During the dormant season (fall and winter), you can stop fertilizing or reduce how often you do it to once a month. It is important not to give the Mini monstera plant too much fertilizer because it can burn the leaves and hurt the roots. Always follow the directions on the package when fertilizing, and change the amount based on how the plant reacts.
Mini monstera plants do best in soil that drains well and is full of organic matter. Mixing peat moss, perlite, and a small amount of vermiculite or coconut coir is a good way to make soil for mini monsteras. This kind of soil mix helps to keep water and nutrients in the soil while making it easy for excess water to drain away. Heavy soil or garden soil should not be used because it can hold too much water and cause root rot. Adding a slow-release fertilizer to the soil mix can also help provide the nutrients plants need to grow well.

Hanging Heights

Mini Monstera Lighting Requirements: High Light (Bright Indirect Light); Low Light Tolerant

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