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Ponytail Palm

SCENTIFIC NAME: Beaucarnea recurvata

KNOWN AS: Elephant's Foot, Bottle Palm

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Eastern Mexico | Tropical (semi-arid region)

DESCRIPTION: This plant is sassy! It has a plump swollen stem and a bundle of curly leaves.

Easy difficulty & pet safe

Ponytail Palm Plant Care


Light Requirement: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

Ponytail palm plants require bright, indirect light to thrive. They also like a little bit of direct sunlight each day, but too much can cause their leaves to burn. An east or west-facing window that receives filtered sunlight is an excellent spot for these plants. If you don't have access to a window with enough light, you can use LED grow lights to mimic natural sunlight. As with any plant, monitor its response to the light and adjust accordingly. If the leaves start to curl or turn brown, it may be an indication that the lighting is too intense. On the other hand, if the leaves are pale and small, it may be a sign that the lighting is not bright enough. If you notice that your Ponytail Palm is growing more slowly than usual or its leaves are dropping, it may be a sign that it's not getting enough light.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$150.00 - $200.00


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Ponytail palms are desert plants that store water in their bulbous base. They have therefore evolved to withstand extended droughts and are more likely to decay if overwatered. Waiting until the soil is totally dry before watering a ponytail palm is recommended; this could take up to three weeks, depending on the humidity and temperature of the environment. After watering, soak the soil completely until water begins to drain from the drainage holes, and then let any remaining water drain away. Avoid letting the plant stand in water that is still because this can cause root rot. Also, it's crucial to keep water off of the leaves or bulb to prevent fungal diseases.


Preferred Temperature: 65º - 85º

The ponytail palm is an unusual and hardy plant that may flourish indoors. It enjoys a room temperature between 18 and 29 degrees Celsius and 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. It can, however, endure brief periods of slightly colder temperatures down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). The ponytail palm needs to be protected from cold drafts and temperature extremes because they can harm its growth. It is best to keep the plant away from prolonged exposure to temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), as this could harm the plant. The ponytail palm will thrive and retain its distinctive appearance in interior spaces if the temperature range is consistently kept within the ideal range.


Preferred Humidity: 50 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Ponytail palms need the right amount of humidity to stay healthy. For their best growth and development, these tropical plants need a level of humidity between moderate and high. Keep the humidity level between 50% and 60%: ponytail palms do best in areas with a moderate amount of humidity, and it's important to keep the air around them moist. You can use a humidifier or put a tray of water near the plant to keep the right level of humidity. It's important to keep the humidity level high, but you also shouldn't water the plant too much. When you water a plant too much, it can get root rot and other fungal diseases that can hurt its health. The humidity level can be kept stable and mold and mildew can't grow if there is enough ventilation. Make sure there is enough air flow in the room where you keep the plant. The humidity around the ponytail palm can be raised by misting the leaves with water. But don't do too much, because that can cause water to pool and damage the leaves.

Additional Plant Care

Ponytail palms can grow more plants by cutting off the small plants that grow at the base of the parent plant. These are called offsets. To do this, gently pull the offset away from the parent plant or use a sharp, clean knife or pruning shears to cut it off. Let the cut callus over for a few days by letting it dry in a shady place. Once it has hardened, put the offset in a pot with soil that drains well and put it in a warm, bright place that doesn't get direct sunlight. Water the soil just a little bit and let any extra water drain away. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and the new plant should start to grow in a few weeks. Then you can take care of it like you would a full-grown ponytail palm.
Ponytail palms are generally considered non-toxic to humans and pets, and do not contain any known toxic compounds that pose a significant risk if ingested or touched. This makes them a safe choice for households with pets or small children. However, while the plant itself is non-toxic, it's important to note that individual sensitivities or allergies can vary. Some individuals may still experience mild reactions if they come into contact with the plant. If you or your pet have a known allergy or sensitivity to plants, it's advisable to exercise caution and monitor for any adverse reactions. While the Ponytail Palm is generally safe, it's always a good practice to discourage pets from chewing on any houseplant. Ingesting large amounts of any plant material can cause digestive upset in animals.
Ponytail palms are easy to take care of and do best in soil that drains well. Every two to three years, or when the plant has grown too big for its pot, a ponytail palm should be repotted. To repot, choose a pot that is one size bigger than the one the plant is in now and has holes for drainage. Then, fill the new pot with a mixture of soil that drains well, leaving enough space at the top to put the plant in. Carefully take the plant out of its old pot and loosen any roots that are tangled. Put the plant in the new pot and make sure it sits at the same level as it did in the old pot. Put more dirt around the plant's roots and gently press down to keep it in place. Give the plant in its new pot a lot of water and put it where it will get bright, indirect light. Don't feed the plant for the first month after repotting it so it can get used to its new home.
The best way to prune ponytail palms is to use a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut back any brown or damaged leaves or stems. It's important to make clean cuts and not tear or hurt the tissue around them. Ponytail palms can also benefit from having any long or overgrown stems cut off. This will help the plant grow in a more compact way. But you shouldn't cut off too many leaves or stems at once, because that can shock the plant and stop it from growing. You should prune the plant when it's growing, which is usually from spring to early fall. Don't prune it in the winter, when it's not growing. Ponytail palms can also get a woody trunk over time. Do not cut into the trunk, as this can hurt the plant. Ponytail palms can look healthy and nice for many years if they are pruned properly.
Ponytail palms don't need to be fertilized often and can grow well in soils with few nutrients. But if you want to fertilize your plant, choose a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with a low concentration of nitrogen. Before you put the fertilizer on the plant, you should water it well and dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength. Apply the fertilizer to the soil around the plant's base with a watering can or spray bottle. Be careful not to get any on the leaves or stem, as it can burn them. During the growing season, which usually lasts from spring to early fall, do this every two to three months. Don't give the plant fertilizer when it's sleeping in the winter. Too much fertilizer can hurt the plant, so it's important to follow the directions on the package and not use too much. If the leaves start to turn brown or black, cut back on how often you fertilize or make the solution less strong. You can also follow the directions on the package and use a slow-release fertilizer once every six to eight months.
Ponytail palm plants need a soil mix that drains well and has good drainage. They like a mix of sand and loam that drains well and lets water move quickly through. Ponytail palms do best when their soil is a mix of potting soil, sand, and perlite. It's also important to make sure the soil isn't too wet, because that can cause the roots to rot. So, Ponytail palm plants should only be watered when the top layer of soil is completely dry. Adding some organic matter to the soil, like peat moss or compost, can also help the plant get the nutrients it needs.

Hanging Heights

Ponytail Palm Lighting Requirements: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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