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String of Hearts

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Ceropegia woodii

KNOWN AS: Chain of Hearts, Rosary Vine, Heart Vine

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Southwest Africa | Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: Distinguished by their garland-like trailing stems with adorable little leaves that resemble hearts! The coloration can vary from solid green (often with contrasting veining) to a green/white marbled look on the front and a delightful pink hue on the back.

moderate difficulty & pet safe

String of Hearts Plant Care


Light Requirement: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

String of hearts plants adores bright, indirect light. Place your plant near a north or east-facing window to provide it with the perfect balance of sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as it may scorch the delicate foliage. To promote even growth, rotate your string of hearts plant every few weeks. This prevents it from leaning toward the light source and encourages symmetrical development.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$150.00 - $200.00


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 to 4 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

String of hearts plants requires regular watering to prevent root rot. It is advisable to wait until the top inch of soil feels dry before watering string of hearts plants. When it's time to water, make sure to give the plant a good soak until the water drains out of the pot's bottom. Before placing the pot back on its saucer, let the dirt completely drain. It's crucial to drain any extra water from the saucer after watering the string of hearts plants because they don't like to stand in standing water. Avoid wetting the leaves because this could make them decay.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 75º

The String of Hearts plant prefers the typical indoor climate of moderate temperatures. Between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (15 to 24 degrees Celsius) is the ideal temperature range for String of Hearts plants. Even if they can withstand temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), it's still vital to protect them from exposure to frost and severely cold weather. In a similar vein, they can withstand temperatures of up to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius), although extended exposure to such high temperatures may stress or harm the plant. The String of Hearts plant will develop healthily and retain its colorful appearance if the temperature is kept constant and within the ideal range.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Misting your String of Hearts often is one of the easiest ways to make the air around it more humid. Fill a spray bottle with water at room temperature and mist the leaves of the plant every few days to keep them moist. By putting your String of Hearts next to other plants, you can make a mini greenhouse, which will increase the humidity in the area. Buying a small humidifier can be a great way to keep your String of Hearts at a consistent humidity level. Place the humidifier near the plant and set the level of humidity to between 40 and 60%. Putting the pot on a tray with pebbles and water is a simple and effective way to increase the humidity around your String of Hearts. The water will evaporate, making a small area around the plant that is humid. Depending on the weather and where you live, humidity levels can be very different. Buy a hygrometer to keep track of the humidity level and adjust how often you water and mist your plants accordingly.

Additional Plant Care

String of Hearts plants can be propagated using stem cuttings. Cut just below a node on a healthy stem with several leaves. Take off the cutting's lower leaves, leaving only a few at the top. Put the cutting in a jar of water or right into a pot with potting mix that drains well. Keep the soil damp and give the cutting bright, indirect light until it grows roots and new leaves. Once the plant has roots, you can move it to a bigger pot and treat it like a full-grown plant. String of Hearts can die if it gets too much water, so it's important to let the soil dry out a bit before giving it more.
String of Hearts is considered non-toxic to humans and pets. This plant is generally safe to have in households, and accidental ingestion or contact with the String of Hearts plant is unlikely to cause significant harm. However, it's always important to exercise caution as individual sensitivities or allergies can vary. While the plant is not known to be toxic, some people may still experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions if they come into contact with or ingest the plant. If you suspect ingestion or if someone exhibits unusual symptoms after contact with String of Hearts, it's best to consult a medical professional for appropriate advice.
When repotting a String of Hearts plant, it's best to use a potting mix that drains well and a pot with drainage holes. Carefully take the plant out of its current pot, making sure not to hurt the stems or roots. Cut off any roots that are dead or broken, and loosen any roots that are stuck together. Place the plant in the new pot and fill in around it with fresh potting mix, making sure to leave some room at the top for watering. Water well and let the extra water drain out of the pot through the bottom. To keep the plant from getting too much water, it's best to wait a few days after repotting before giving it more water.
Use a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to cut back any long or overgrown stems just above a leaf node. This is the best way to prune String of Hearts Plants. This will help the plant grow new leaves and keep its shape and size. String of hearts plants will also do better if you take off any leaves or stems that are yellow or broken. It's important to make clean cuts and not tear or hurt the tissue around them. You should prune the plant when it's growing, which is usually from spring to early fall. Don't prune it in the winter, when it's not growing. Also, string of hearts plants can grow long and trailing stems, so it's important to cut them back to encourage bushy growth and keep the plants in a tight shape. Regular pruning can help string of hearts plants grow well and keep them looking lush and full.
Choose a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to feed a string of hearts plant. Before you put the fertilizer on the plant, you should water it well and dilute the fertilizer to half the recommended strength. Apply the fertilizer to the soil around the plant's base with a watering can or spray bottle. Be careful not to get any on the leaves or stems, as it can burn them. During the growing season, which usually lasts from spring to early fall, do this every four to six weeks. Don't give the plant fertilizer when it's sleeping in the winter. Too much fertilizer can hurt the plant, so it's important to follow the directions on the package and not use too much. If the leaves start to turn brown or black, cut back on how often you fertilize or make the solution less strong. You can also follow the instructions on the package and use a slow-release fertilizer once every three to four months. String of hearts plants can grow well and have bright leaves if they are fertilized regularly.
String of Hearts grows best in organic-rich soil that drains well. These plants do well in soil that has perlite, peat moss, and sand in it. This plant is prone to root rot, so the mix should be loose and airy to allow for good drainage. Also, it's important to keep the soil from getting too wet, since that can also cause root rot. A soil mix that drains well will help keep the roots healthy and prevent waterlogging.

Hanging Heights

String of Hearts Lighting Requirements: Medium Light (Medium Indirect Light) to High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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