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Venus Fly Trap

SCENTIFIC NAME: Dionaea muscipula

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Southeast North America | Subtropical

DESCRIPTION: The Venus Flytrap is a small plant that catches and eats insects. It is known for this unique ability. It has leaves that look like mouths and trigger hairs on them. When a bug touches one of these hairs, the jaws quickly close and trap the insect inside.

hard difficulty & pet toxic

Venus Fly Trap Plant Care


Light Requirement: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

Bright, direct sunshine is the best source of lighting for the Venus flytrap. These plants need at least four to six hours of direct sunshine each day to flourish. Your Venus flytrap should be kept close to a south-facing window or under LED grow lights to obtain proper lighting.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$150.00 - $200.00


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow soil to completely dry between waterings. This plant prefers distilled water.

Venus flytraps require a special method of watering. These plants do well in an environment with high humidity and consistently moist soil. It's important to simulate their natural environment, which includes giving them access to clean water or rainwater. Use bottled water instead of tap water to protect the delicate roots from minerals and contaminants. To avoid wetting the leaves, watering should be done from the bottom rather than from the top. Place the potted Venus flytrap in a tray filled with rainwater or distilled water, and then wait for the plant to absorb water for around 30 minutes through the drainage holes. Then, to avoid waterlogging, remove the extra water from the tray. It's essential to keep a close eye on the soil's moisture and make sure it's constantly humid but not waterlogged because too much moisture can cause root rot. Depending on the external factors and the plant's requirements, adjust the frequency of watering, constantly aiming to maintain the ideal moisture balance for wholesome growth and successful operation.


Preferred Temperature: 60º - 75º

Venus fly traps enjoy warm temperatures between 70-85°F (21-29°C) during the day and a minimum of 50°F (10°C) at night. They are native to the subtropical wetlands of the southeastern United States. They prefer damp, but not soggy, soil and need a humid atmosphere. It's crucial to provide the plant with enough humidity, either by using a humidifier or setting the plant on a tray of stones in water. Venus fly traps prefer bright, indirect light, but they may withstand some direct sunshine. It's crucial to keep the plant away from temperatures below 40°F (4°C), as this could harm it. Also, it's crucial to avoid fertilizing the plant because doing so could harm the traps. Research is necessary to maintain the best growing circumstances for venus fly traps because they are a unique plant with particular care needs.


Preferred Humidity: 40 - 50%; Moderate Humidity

Venus Fly Trap Plants require a humidity level between 50% and 60%, which is comparable to the optimal range for Zebra Plants. These plants are adapted to flourish in nutrient-poor soils with low humidity, therefore they can survive reduced humidity levels for brief durations. The plant should not be overwatered or left in standing water as this might cause root rot. Mist the plant frequently to maintain the right humidity levels, or put it in a tray with water and pebbles to create a humid microclimate. In order to avoid mold or fungal growth, Venus Fly Trap Plants should also be kept in bright, indirect sunlight and in a well-ventilated place.

Additional Plant Care

Venus fly trap plants can be multiplied through division or seed. Gather the plant's mature seeds and scatter them in peat moss and sand combination to propagate by seed. The seeds should begin to sprout in a few weeks if the soil is kept warm and moist. Carefully take the plant out of its container and divide it by cutting the thick, horizontal rhizomes (underground stems) into smaller pieces. Each division ought to have a number of traps and a strong root structure. Replant the divisions in a soil mixture that drains well and gives them plenty of water. High humidity and bright, but indirect, light is essential for the growth of Venus fly trap plants.
Venus Flytraps are carnivorous plants known for their ability to catch and digest insects. While they are fascinating plants, they are considered toxic to humans and pets. The trap mechanism of Venus Flytraps is designed to capture and digest small insects, such as flies and gnats. However, the chemicals produced by Venus Flytraps for digestion are harmful to humans or animals if they come into contact with them. That being said, it's important to note that Venus Flytraps are not meant to be consumed.
Repotting Venus Fly Trap plants every one to two years will encourage healthy growth. To repot a Venus Fly Trap plant, carefully take it out of its present container and untangle any roots that are entwined. Remove any broken or dead roots, and get rid of any wilted or brown leaves. Choose a new pot with drainage holes at the bottom that is somewhat larger than the old pot. Fill the bottom of the new pot with a layer of peat moss or sphagnum moss, then add a layer of perlite mixed 50/50 with sphagnum peat moss. Put the plant in the middle of the new pot and add more peat moss and perlite mixture to the sides and bottom until the plant is level with the soil surface. Place the plant in an area with bright, indirect light and give it a good watering with distilled or rainwater. Venus fly trap plants should be irrigated frequently with distilled or rainfall and need wet, well-draining soil. Fertilizers and tap water should not be used because they could harm the plant.
Unlike most plants, the Venus flytrap does not require typical pruning, although it does benefit from the removal of dead or diseased leaves and traps. The traps will deteriorate and turn black as the plant captures insects. Cut these traps off at the base with a pair of tidy, clean scissors to remove them. In addition to preventing any dead stuff from decomposing and potentially damaging the plant, this will encourage the plant to develop more traps. In addition, you can clip any leaves down to the root if they start to brown or wilt. Avoid removing too many leaves or traps at once to avoid stressing the plant.
Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that obtains the majority of its nourishment from the insects it captures. As a result, they do not require regular fertilizing. But, you can add a diluted, high-nitrogen fertilizer if the plant is not catching enough insects or if you wish to encourage rapid development. Employ a 3-1-2 N-P-K fertilizer that has been diluted to one-fourth strength. Every two to four weeks during the growing season, which is normally spring and summer, apply fertilizer to the soil. To avoid harming the plant or creating nutrient imbalances, it's crucial to carefully follow the fertilizer recommendations on the package when caring for Venus flytraps. As these minerals can be damaging to plants, avoid using fertilizers that contain phosphorus or potassium. Frequent fertilization can help foster new growth and urge the Venus flytrap to create more traps.
Venus fly trap plants need a certain kind of acidic, nutrient-poor, well-draining soil. Peat moss and perlite should be mixed in equal amounts with sufficient sand for drainage in a suggested soil composition. The use of soil that contains fertilizers or other additions should be avoided because they could harm the plant. Venus fly trap plants should also be planted in pots with drainage holes to avoid water buildup in the soil, which can lead to root rot. To prevent the negative effects of tap water's minerals, the soil should be kept moist but not soggy, and the plant should be irrigated with distilled water or rainfall. Venus fly trap plants can survive and successfully capture their prey with the correct soil conditions.

Hanging Heights

Venus Fly Trap Lighting Requirements: Full Sun (Bright Direct Light) & High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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