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Weeping Fig

 SCENTIFIC NAME: Ficus benjamina

KNOWN AS: Benjamin Tree, Java Fig, Benjamin Fig

CLIMATE (LOCATION): Southeast Asia & Australia | Tropical

DESCRIPTION: The Weeping Fig is a popular houseplant tree with graceful, hanging branches and dark green, shiny leaves. This tree can grow quite tall, which makes it a great choice for adding a touch of nature and elegance to indoor areas.

Easy difficulty & pet toxic

Weeping Fig Plant Care


Light Requirement: High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

Weeping Figs (Ficus benjamina) thrive in bright, indirect light. Place your plant near a north-facing window or a few feet away from a sunny east or west-facing window. This ensures your Weeping Fig receives sufficient light without direct exposure to harsh sunlight. While natural light is crucial, direct sunlight can scorch the delicate leaves of the Weeping Fig. Shield your plant from intense rays by using sheer curtains or placing it further away from south-facing windows. LED grow lights are great options if natural light is limited.

Lighting Recommendations

Aspect™ LED Growlight
$150.00 - $200.00


Quick Tip: Water until water comes out of drainage holes. Allow top 2 inches of soil to completely dry between waterings.

Indoor-grown weeping figs must be watered carefully to avoid both under and overwatering. Keeping these plants regularly moist but not soggy is preferred. When the top inch of soil feels just a little bit dry to the touch, it is ideal to water the plant. Pour water that is at room temperature slowly over the soil until it begins to drain out of the bottom of the pot. After watering, let any extra water completely drain and scoop out any that collects in the saucer or tray. Keep the plant out of any standing water to prevent root rot. As a general rule, water the weeping fig every 7 to 10 days. However, you should modify the frequency depending on the temperature, humidity, and unique requirements of your plant. Maintain a constant amount of moisture in the root zone by regularly checking the soil's moisture content and adjusting the watering schedule accordingly.


Preferred Temperature: 55º - 75º

Weeping figs prefer warm weather with daytime highs of 65–75°F (18–24°C) and lows of 55°F (13°C). They prefer damp, but not soggy, soil and need a humid atmosphere. By periodically spraying the leaves, setting a tray of water next to the plant, or using a humidifier, you may ensure that the environment is sufficiently humid. Although they may tolerate some direct sunshine, weeping figs prefer bright, indirect light. It's crucial to keep the plant away from temperatures below 50°F (10°C), as this could harm it. Weeping figs are sensitive to changes in their environment, so it's also crucial to avoid moving the plant regularly. Research is necessary to maintain the best growing circumstances for weeping figs because they are a common indoor plant with specialized care requirements.


Preferred Humidity: 50 - 60%; Moderate Humidity

Weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) plants do best in humidity between 50% and 60%. When a plant is actively growing, humidity is very crucial. High humidity can raise the danger of fungus illnesses, while low humidity can cause the plant to have dry foliage and increase the chance of pest infestations. You can spritz the foliage frequently, put a tray of water close to the plant, or use a humidifier to raise the humidity levels there. It's crucial to keep water off of the leaves to prevent harm. In order to prevent moisture buildup and lower the danger of fungal diseases, it's crucial to maintain the right humidity levels and to provide appropriate air circulation around the plant. Weeping fig plants may grow and offer a splash of green to any indoor environment with the appropriate amount of humidity and care.

Additional Plant Care

Stem cuttings can be used to grow additional weeping fig plants. Cut a portion of a healthy stem that is about 4-6 inches long, making certain it contains many leaves and a node (the point where the leaf meets the stem). Drop the cut end in the rooting hormone after removing the lower leaves. Put the cutting in a soil mixture that drains well, such as peat moss and perlite. Maintain a moist soil environment and place the cutting somewhere warm and sunny, but out of direct sunlight. The cutting should start to establish roots and new growth after a few weeks. The new plant can be potted up and taken care of like a mature weeping fig once it has established itself well. Weeping figs can also be multiplied by grafting or air layering, although both techniques are more difficult and call even more specialized tools.
The Weeping Fig is considered to be toxic to both humans and pets if ingested. The sap of the Weeping Fig contains ficin, which is a proteolytic enzyme that can cause irritation and allergic reactions in some individuals. Ingesting parts of the plant, such as the leaves or stems, can result in symptoms such as oral irritation, mouth swelling, drooling, vomiting, and diarrhea. In more severe cases, it may cause allergic reactions or respiratory issues. For pets, the Weeping Fig is also known to be toxic. Cats and dogs may experience gastrointestinal upset if they consume parts of the plant. If you suspect ingestion of the Weeping Fig by a person or pet and they exhibit any concerning symptoms, it is important to seek immediate medical attention or consult with a veterinarian for appropriate advice.
Every two to three years, the weeping fig needs to be replanted to ensure good development. When it's time to repot a weeping fig, gently take it out of its current container and untangle any tangled roots. To keep the plant in the appropriate form, cut back any dead or damaged roots and clip the top growth as needed. Choose a new pot with drainage holes at the bottom that is somewhat larger than the old pot. Fill the bottom of the new pot with a fresh layer of potting soil, preferably a blend of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. Put the plant in the middle of the new pot and add more potting soil until it is level with the earth's surface. Give the plant plenty of water, and let the soil fully drain. Bright, indirect light and evenly moist, well-draining soil are preferred by weeping figs. After repotting, avoid overwatering the plant to prevent root rot. Prior to fertilizing, give the plant time to adapt to its new surroundings by waiting a few weeks.
Pruning is an option to keep a weeping fig a suitable size and shape. When a plant is actively growing, usually in the spring and summer, prune. Remove any diseased, damaged, or dead branches first. A position right above a leaf node should be used to trim any excessively long branches. Cut back to just above a node that faces the direction you want the new growth to grow in order to promote branching. Pruning shouldn't be done more than a third of the plant's total size at once because doing so can stress the plant. The weeping fig plant might benefit from routine pruning to keep it looking beautiful and healthy.
The health and growth of weeping figs depend on frequent fertilization. Throughout the growing season, which is normally spring and summer, use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer and apply it to the soil every two to three weeks. Avoid overfertilizing the plant, as this can cause salt accumulation in the soil and burn the roots, and carefully follow the recommendations on the fertilizer bottle. To prevent scorching the roots and avoid fertilizing the plant while it is not actively growing, it is crucial to fully hydrate the plant before applying fertilizer. Consider using a fertilizer made for plants that love acid if you want to grow weeping figs because they require slightly acidic soil. Weeping figs benefit from regular fertilization since it encourages new growth and the development of more branches and leaves. Also, utilizing fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content might encourage the growth of lush foliage.
Weeping figs prefer organically dense, slightly acidic, well-draining soil. Peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite should be mixed in equal amounts with some compost to raise the organic content of the soil. Too much sand in the soil should not be used since it can cause the soil to dry up too rapidly. Weeping figs should also be planted in pots with drainage holes to avoid water buildup in the soil, which can lead to root rot. To prevent startling the roots, the soil should be kept consistently moist but not soggy, and the plant should be watered with water that is room temperature. Weeping figs should also be fertilized often with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season. Weeping figs may thrive and give a touch of elegance to any indoor environment with the right soil conditions and care.

Hanging Heights

Weeping Fig Lighting Requirements: High Light (Bright Indirect Light)

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